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Aug 16, 2021 6:12 am
I am working on the Apex SOAP Callouts Trailhead challenge, Generate an Apex class using WSDL2Apex and write a test class - with ParkService class, ParkLocator class, ParkServiceMock class and ParkServiceTest class. But getting the error Invalid interface: WebServiceMock while trying to save the ParkServiceMock class. I tried loggin out and re-logging in, closed the browser, etc. Still the error. Code is below:
public class ParkLocator { public static String[]country(String theCountry){ ParkService.ParksImplPort parkSvc = new ParkService.ParksImplPort(); return parkSvc.byCountry(theCountry); } }
@isTest private class ParkLocatorTest { @isTest static void testCallout(){ Test.setMock(WebServiceMock.class, new ParkServiceMock()); String country = 'United States'; List<String> result =; List<String> parks = new List<String>{'Yellowstone', 'Big Bear', 'Yosemite'}; System.assertEquals(parks, result); } }
@isTest global class ParkServiceMock implements WebServiceMock { global void doInvoke( Object stub, Object request, Map<String, Object> response, String endpoint, String soapAction, String requestName, String responseNS, String responseName, String responseType) { // specify the response you want to send ParkService.byCountryResponse response_x = new ParkService.byCountryResponse(); response_x.return_x = new List<String>{'Yellowstone', 'Big Bear', 'Yosemite'}; response.put('response_x', response_x); } }
Any pointers would help.