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[Solved] queueable apex with more than 100 callouts and more than 50 future method calls

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1 Users
Posts: 205
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Joined: 11 years ago

I need to refactor the code to avoid getting the error System.LimitException: Too many future calls: 51 

and also need to overcome the error System.LimitException: Too many callouts: 101

I am bulk uploading leads and all leads must make an individual rest api callout. I am inserting more than 100 lead records via Data Import Wizard.

I thought of writing the trigger like by sending the leads in the trigger as a list. This will solve the too many future call error but will not solve the too many call out error:

if(Trigger.isAfter && trigger.isInsert){
            if(Trigger.new != null){
                List leadIds = new List();
                for(lead ld:trigger.new){
                    if(ld.Messaging_Source__c == null){
                if (leadIds != null) YMTemplateCallout.sendYMTemplateCalloutREST(leadIds);

So decided to use queueable apex for which I have the following trigger:

if(Trigger.isAfter && trigger.isInsert){
    if(Trigger.new != null){
          system.enqueueJob(new YMTemplateCallout(Trigger.new));

How to write a queueable apex class for this?




1 Reply
Posts: 205
Issue starter
Joined: 11 years ago

Came across this post: Queuable apex basics - Salesforce Stack Exchange

Also check out: Control Processes with Queueable Apex Unit | Salesforce Trailhead

Ended up with the following code and is working fine:

public class YMTemplateCallout implements Queueable {
    private List leadListToCallout;
    YM_Msg_Template_Notify__c data1 = YM_Msg_Template_Notify__c.getvalues('templatecallout1'); //---Whatsapp_Opt_in__c == false
    YM_Msg_Template_Notify__c data2 = YM_Msg_Template_Notify__c.getvalues('templatecallout2'); //---Whatsapp_Opt_in__c == true
    msgtemplateWrapper template = new msgtemplateWrapper();
    msgtemplateWrapper.body TempBody = new msgtemplateWrapper.body();
    msgtemplateWrapper.language lang = new msgtemplateWrapper.language();
    msgtemplateWrapper.template temp = new msgtemplateWrapper.template();
    // Constructor
    public YMTemplateCallout(List leadsFromTrigger){
        this.leadListToCallout = leadsFromTrigger;  
        YM_Msg_Template_Notify__c data1 = YM_Msg_Template_Notify__c.getvalues('templatecallout1'); //---Whatsapp_Opt_in__c == false
        YM_Msg_Template_Notify__c data2 = YM_Msg_Template_Notify__c.getvalues('templatecallout2'); //---Whatsapp_Opt_in__c == true
        msgtemplateWrapper template = new msgtemplateWrapper();
        msgtemplateWrapper.body TempBody = new msgtemplateWrapper.body();
        msgtemplateWrapper.language lang = new msgtemplateWrapper.language();
        msgtemplateWrapper.template temp = new msgtemplateWrapper.template();
    public void execute(QueueableContext context) {
        Integer sentCount = 0;
    	Boolean hitLimit = false;
        for (Lead ld : leadListToCallout) {
          if (Limits.getCallouts() == Limits.getLimitCallouts()) {
            hitLimit = true;
          // perform callout
            //-- Whatsapp_Opt_in__c == false, then send 'templatecallout1' data to hit the API--
            if (!ld.Whatsapp_Opt_in__c) {
                lang.code = data1.code__c;
                lang.policy = data1.policy__c;
                temp.language = lang;
                temp.name = data1.name__c;
                temp.namespace = data1.namespace__c;
                tempbody.to = ld.MobileYM__c;
                tempbody.ttl = data1.ttl__c;
                tempbody.type = data1.type__c;
                tempbody.template = temp;
                template.body = tempbody;
                string Jsonbody = JSON.serialize(template);
                Httprequest request = new HttpRequest();
                Http http = new Http();
                string jsonString = data1.url__c + '?bot='+data1.bot__c;
                request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
                request.setHeader('x-auth-token', data1.x_auth_token__c);
                HttpResponse response = http.send(request);
                System.debug('Whatsapp false - request is: '+request);
            //--Whatsapp_Opt_in__c == true, then send 'templatecallout2' data to hit the API--
                lang.code = data2.code__c;
                lang.policy = data2.policy__c;
                temp.language = lang;
                temp.name = data2.name__c;
                temp.namespace = data2.namespace__c;
                tempbody.to = ld.MobileYM__c;
                tempbody.ttl = data2.ttl__c;
                tempbody.type = data2.type__c;
                tempbody.template = temp;
                template.body = tempbody;
                string Jsonbody = JSON.serialize(template);
                Httprequest request = new HttpRequest();
                Http http = new Http();
                string jsonString = data2.url__c + '?bot='+data2.bot__c;
                request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
                request.setHeader('x-auth-token', data2.x_auth_token__c);
                HttpResponse response = http.send(request);  
                System.debug('Whatsapp true - request is: '+request);
          } catch (Exception e) {
          // Track total leads processed
        if (hitLimit) {
            // Need to chain this queueable to finish processing. First clean up
            // the list of leads needing a callout by removing all those that have
            // been sent already
            for (Integer index = 0; index < sentCount; index++) {
            // Now ensure the remainder get processed by simply re-enqueuing this
            // queueable with its adjusted state

Note: If you get an error while trying to edit the queueable apex class, check this out: Error 'This Apex class has batch or future jobs pending or in progress' (salesforce.com)
