Last seen: Jan 22, 2025
Ended up creating this: String skippedRecords = ''; Integer checkedParentIds = 0; Boolean idMatch = false; Integer totalParentIds =
Check these out: Also use for generating cron expression
Check this out for examples:
// This is one way. This won't give you id's or any other fields, but just the field that caused the exception: List srList = Database.insert(recsT...
To return to bash prompt from a previous command that's being executed but seem to be hung up, press Q. Ctrl+c won't work here as its for Dos Prompt. ...
jsonBody = '[{"count__c":"445", "downloads__c":"340"}, {"count__c":"440", "downloads__c":"240"}]'; List dList = (List) System.JSON.deserialize...
This is to update a child object field (downloads__c) in each of the child records in the child object (Data__c) record collection, with the value of ...